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INFLUENCE OF DIFFERENTIAL HYPOTHERMIA TREATMENT ON THE CEREBRAL METABOLISM Komei Ikeda 1 , Kazuo Tabuchi 1 , Yoshinori Katagi 1 , Yoshinobu Yokoyama 1 , Yasuhiro Harada 1 , Akira Nishimoto 1 1Department of Neurological Surgery, Okayama University Medical School pp.165-171
Published Date 1982/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204896
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Differential hypothermia (D. H.) treatment was performed on normal rabbit brains and the associ-ated changes in cerebral metabolism were observed in series. Under generalized body hypothermia (rectal temperature : 23℃), a part of the right frontal lobe was maintained at normothermia (37 ±1℃) by heating with microwave irradiation (2.45 GHz). Brain tissues were sampled as follows; before treatment, at the beginning, 3, 6 and 10 hours later, and finally 12 and 36 hours after com-pletion of the 10 hour-treatment. Five rabbits were studied in each group to be 35 as a total sum. In each rabbit, two samples ; one from the nor-mothermic portion and one from the hypothermic portion, were obtained. By using enzymatic analysis, six glycolytic metabolites (glucose, glucose-6-phos-phate, fructoes-1, 6-diphosphate, dihydroxyacetone phosphate, pyruvate, lactate) and three adenine nucleotides (ATP, ADP, AMP) were investigated quantitatively. From these results, the ratio of lactate and pyruvate (L/P ratio) and energy charge potential (ECP) were calculated.

Before the treatment, the L/P ratio was 26.4 and ECP was 0.921. Up to 6 hours after the begin-ning, the metabolic status in the normothermic portion was relatively higher than the hypother-mic portion. Namely, L/P ratio and ECP in the normothermic portion reached 27.6 and 0.953, respectively. On the completion of the 10 hour-treatment, however, glucose decreased considerably, whereas G 6 P increased markedly associated with a L/P ratio of 47. 5. Similarly ATP was decreased, while ADP and AMP were increased, therefore ECP decreased to 0.873. These data indicated tissue hypoxia. On the other hand, 36 hours after the treatment, the L/P ratio recovered completely to 18. 7 and ECP also recovered to 0.901.

These results indicated that metabolism in the normothermic portion was not disturbed up to 6 hours duration of treatment, although it was con-stantly higher than the hypothermic portion. On the completion on the 10 hour-treatment, increase of glycolysis by tissue hypoxia and failure of energy metabolism were observed. However, these changes were considered to be reversible because the results obtained after the treatment indicated reasonable recovery. Therefore it was suggested that 10 hour differential hypothermia treatment on the normal rabbit brains was safe from a view point of glycolytic and energy metabolism.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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