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髄膜腫はクモ膜細胞より発し,多くの場合硬膜に癒着していることは,今日常識的事項となつている。しかし硬膜付着部を有しない髄膜腫も存在し,特にCushingおよびEisenhardtのいわゆるdeep sylvia psammo—meningiomaは極めて稀で,文献上報告例も20例に充たない。
The authors reported a case of 31-year-old female who had episodes of fainting attack. She had no significant neurological deficit but had EEG abnormality. Carotid angiography showed a tumor stain, ca. 1.7 cm in diameter, near the right insula. CT scan also revealed a high densi -ty area at the same site. At the time of opera-tion, a small tumor located deeply in the right sylvian fissure was found out and successfully removed, Histologically, this tumor was diagnos-ed as a meningioma having some typical psam-momatous features.
This type of meningioma, named as deep sylvian psammomeningioma dy Cushing and Ei-senhardt, is extremely rare; we could found only 19 cases in the literature.

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