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臨床上経験する頭蓋内髄膜腫のほとんどは硬膜もしくは脳室脳絡叢に付着して存在するが,このような付着をもたない稀少例も知られている.Cu—shingとEisenhardtはシルビウス裂内に発育したこの種の髄膜腫2例を報告し,"deep sylvian psammomenin—gioma"とよび,その後もいくつかの名称のもとにこうした髄膜腫の報告がなされてはいるものの,その総数はいまだ20余例にすぎず,充分な補助診断と治療が行われている報告は近年の数例に限られる.最近われわれはシルビウス裂内に発生した髄膜腫の1根治例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.
A case of intrasylvian meningioma is presented with some considerations to the clinical, radiological, and pathological features of the tumor.
A 34-year-old Japanese woman, who had experi-enced several episodes of fainting attacks since 19 years old, was admitted to our hospital on March 22, 1983. Her plain skull roentgenogram showed abnormal calcification in her left fronto-temporal region. CT scan demonstrated clear-marginal high density mass in the left sylvian fissure which was homogenously enhanced after administration of con-trast medium.
Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.