

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


MEASUREMENT OF SPINAL CORD BLOOD FLOW IN RABBITS : CENTRAL GRAY MATTER FLOW AND CO2 REACTIVITY Akira Tamura 1 , Takao Asano 1 , Keiji Sano 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo pp.383-386
Published Date 1978/4/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204227
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Spinal cord blood flow (SCBF) was measured in 20 rabbits anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital. The platinum electrodes (0.3 mm in diameter) were inserted into the central gray matter of the thoracic spinal cord (Th8-10). In all animals, blood pressure and pAO2 remained constantly in the normal range. The pACO2 was changed by ven-tilation. Blood gases were checked both before and after each spinal cord blood flow measurement.

The results are as follows.

1. Seventy-three percent of the clearances re-corded from the gray matter were monoexponential and in the white matter almost all were mono-exponential.

2. The mean values of gray matter SCBF of all animals was 38.3±1.85ml/100g/min (SE) at normo-capnea and the white matter was 19.5±1.33ml/ 100g/min.

3. An almost linear relationship exists between the pACO2 and SCBF. The values were 0.62 ml/ 100g/min/torr in the gray matter and 0.38 ml/100g/ min/torr in the white matter.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


