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A COMPARISON OF BENDER-GESTALT TEST ON RIGHT AND LEFT HEMIPLEGIC PATIENTS Shunzo Watanabe 1 , Teiichi Onuma 1 , Kei Hojo 1 , Eiho Sugawara 2 , Hirofumi Metoki 2 , Kogo Onodera 2 1Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hirosaki University, School of Medicine 2Reimeikyo Rehabilitation Hospital pp.311-315
Published Date 1978/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204219
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This study investigated the relationship of the Bender-Gestalt Test (B-G) and brain organic patients. The special attention was paid to the following groups.

1) The right (n=60) and the left (n=50) hemi-plegic groups.

2) The subjects with (right hemiplegic 6, left hemiplegic 4) and without (right hemiplegic 40,left hemiplegic 30) visual field defect.

3) Larger and smaller cortical lesions determined by EEG (occasional delta 19, frequent delta 29, almost continuous focal delta wave 31).

4) The mutual relationship between B-G and the other psychometrical test ; WAIS, Kohs cube test, Token test and Benton visual retention test.


1) The group of left hemiplegic patients per-formed poorly than the group of right hemiplegic patients. The left hemiplegics obtained significantly higher mean score on the total score, the 5th design, configulation, wave line, the place of design A, the order and no order.

2) The means score of the subjects with visual field defects was extremely higher as compared to that of the subjects without visual field defects.

3) By the EEG findings, they were devided into3 groups; the patients with occasional, frequent and almost continuous focal delta waves. The highest score in B-G was seen in the groups with continuous focal delta waves in EEG, the next was the groups with frequent and the least mean score was obtained in the group with occasional focal delta waves.

4) According to the mutual relationship between B-G and the other psychometric tests. B-G was found to have significantly very high mutual relation to the total score and the performance score in WAIS, Kohs cube test (p<0.01) and again high mutual relation with Benton visual retention as well as the verbal score in WAIS (0.01<p<0.05). However, no statistically significant mutual relation was found with Token test (p>0.05).

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


