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brain cuttingをしていて,線条体が両側性に軟化を示していた場合,中年者以上であれば動脈硬化に由来するlacunaeが多いし,若年者ではWilson病があげられる。さらに循環障害,中毒性障害なども考えねばならない。このたび,われわれは死亡時24歳の女性の剖検所見で,1つは線条体,もう1つは側頭葉極部の白質に両側性にcavityを認め,さらにminor anomalyを有する症例を経験したので報告する。
A 24-year-old female developed high fever and unconsciousness for several days at the age of 3. She was said to have meningitis. Subsequently her verbal development was markedly retarded so that she was kept at a deaf-and-dumb institute. At the age of 19, she was transfered to the mental hospital because she occasionally became very wild without any reasons. She suddenly died at the age of 24 due to paralytic ileus.
Her autopsy showed bilateral cavities in the white matter of the anterior portion of the temporal lobes and the striatum. Microscopically, the tissues around the cavities were necrotic and devastated with loss of neurones. Glio-mesodermal reaction was mild. Besides marked thickening of meninges and micropolygyria of the cerebellar hemispheres were demonstrated.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.