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ネコ大脳皮質の中S上溝(middle suprasylvian su—lcus;MSs)を囲む皮質部分(MSs 域)は細胞構築学的にも機能的にも均一なものではない。すなわち,この溝の内側皮質部分(内側壁)と外側皮質部分(外側壁)は解剖学的および電気生理学的研究により,それぞれ視覚系5,9,21,24〜26,34,42,51,56)および聴覚系7,24〜26,59,60)に関連する領域であることが知られている。近年Kawamura24〜27,29)はNauta法36)およびFink-Heimer法8)を用いて,ネコ大脳皮質の各種機能領域から起こる連合線維が,MSs域に一部集中して終わることを明らかにし,この皮質部分において,これら機能領域からの知覚情報の入力が"統合"的に処理される可能性を示唆した26,27)。本研究の主たる目的はMSs域内におけるこれら連合線維の終止域の広がりを,とくにその層的分布状態との関連において詳細に調べることにある。
Following lesions of various cortical areas of altogether 13 adult cats, the distribution of de-generating fibers in the cortical area surrounding the middle suprasylvian sulcus (MSs area) has been studied with the method of Fink and Heimer. Associ-ation fibers from the visual cortex mostly end in the vicinity of fundus of the medial wall of the MSs area and a fair number of fibers do in the fundus area of the posterior portion of its lateral wall. Most of the fibers terminate in layers III-V. Fibers from the auditory cortex terminate in the lip of the lateral wall, while few fibers end in the fundus and the medial wall. The fibers termi-nate in layer III. Long association fibers from the somatosensory cortex chiefly end in the vicinity of the fundus of the anterior half of the both walls. The fibers terminate in layers III-V. The associ-ation cortex" sends a good amount of fibers to the lip region and the upper area of the medial wall and lesser amount to the posterior part of the lateral wall of the MSs. The fibers terminate in layer III.
From the present and the previous findings, it has become evident that inputs of different kinds of sensory modalities converge upon the layers III-IV of the MSs area from the various cortical functional areas, and that the MSs area also sends fibers back to the sensory cortical areas. In ad-dition, it has reciprocal connections with some thalamic nuclear groups, e. g., the "pulvinar pos-terior " system.
Based upon the findings of neuronal connections, it can be suggested that the MSs area may play an important role with regard to the "integration of sensory inputs" in the cat cerebral cortex.
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