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DEGENERATION OF THE ACCESSORY CUNEATE NUCLEUS IN FAMILIAL ALS WITH THE "MIDDLE ROOT ZONE" INVOLVEMENT Takao Makifuchi 1 , Fusahiro Ikuta 1 1Department of Neuropathology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University pp.1332-1334
Published Date 1977/12/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204175
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It was reported that some cases of familial ALS showed the unique degeneration corresponding to the so-called "middle root zone" of the spinal posterior funiculus and degeneration of the dorsal nucleus. In a few cases of atypical sporadic ALS, the degen-eration of middle root zone was also reported, and besides degeneration was described in the accessory cuneate nucleus as well as in the dorsal nucleus.

Anatomically, accessory cuneate nucleus is consid-ered to be the medullary equivalent of dorsal nucleus due to the facts that the accessory cuneate nucleus receives proprioceptive fibers mostly from upper limb and gives rise to cuneocerebellar tract and that neurons of the accessory cuneate nucleus and the dorsal nucleus are morphologically similar.

We examined the accessory cuneate nucleus light-microscopically in two cases with familial ALS and one with sporadic ALS all showing degeneration of dorsal nucleus and middle root zone.

All the three cases showed certain degeneration of accessory cuneate nucleus such as atrophy and depopulation of neurons and gliosis. In one case with familial ALS, the anterior horn cells contained intracytoplasmic hyaline inclusions, and the similar inclusions were also observed in the accessory cuneate nucleus.

No significant change was found in the cuneate and gracil nuclei in three cases.

Those suggest that the degeneration of the ac-cessory cuneate nucleus is not an incidental but a fundamentally analogous finding to the degeneration of the dorsal nucleus in familial ALS and possibly a primary alteration as a part of motor neuron disease.

In the three cases examined, there is a correlation between the neuronal depopulation of accessory cuneate nucleus and the degeneration of middle root zone in the cervical cord. To understand the degeneration of the middle root zone of the cervical cord, which does not have dorsal nucleus, it is proper to take into consideration the degeneration of the accessory cuneate nucleus in place of the dorsal nucleus.

The significance of the degeneration of accessory cuneate nucleus will be its anatomical location ; since the dorsal nucleus is located near the anterior horn, while the accessory cuneate nucleus is far from it and even from the hypoglossal nucleus. The nucleus may make an important key to the pathogenesis of motor neuron disease.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


