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Current clinical management of patients withvasospasm is confused. Prior clinical and ex-perimental cerebral blood flow studies of vasospasmhave not revealed consistent blood flow changesdespite vasospasm demonstrated by angiography.As part of an investigation we have attempted toconfirm or deny a perfusion deficit in experimentalcerebral vasospasm seen on an angiogram, andfurther, to correlate this data with the degree ofspasm and its location.
The final data were collected from 22 Rhesusmonkeys, which underwent bi-axillal angiographybefore and after subarachnoid hemorrhage. Animalswere rearteriogramed intermittently, until sacrificedat varying intervals after the initial hemorrhage(immediate to 12 days). Each animal was perfusedwith a mixture of carbon black and formalin atarterial pressures. The brains were placed then informalin. Each brain was later coronally sectionedand non-carbon black perfused area was examinedmacroscopically.
No consistent correlation was found between thepresence of spasm measured by angiograms and theexistence of non-carbon black perfused areas ofthe brain. Although severe angiographic vasospasmwas often associated with perfusion deficits, thelatter were seen in 3 animals with subarachnoidhemorrhage but no angiographic spasm. The mosttypical perfusion deficit resembled "border zone"ischemia in both animals with minor and severeangiographic spasm. Conversely severe spasm wasoccasionally associated with normal perfusion.
These data suggest the following:
1) Angiography is an inadequate means ofevaluating the phenomenon of cerebral vasospasm.
2) Angiographic vasospasm does not always causea decrease in perfusion.
3) Angiographic vasospasm is sometimes inno-cent, and may not be an absolute contra-indicationto aneurysm surgery by itself alone.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.