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In the past 7 years, 403 cases of intracranialaneurysms were submitted to microsurgical oper-ations. The operative mortality was 5.4%, and inthe follow-up, 82.4% are working, 6.2% are caringfor self and 5.9% are either bed-ridden or deadfrom other causes after discharge.
If 6 cases of Grade V are excluded from thestatistics and the day of subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH) is counted as the 1st day, cases submittedto microsurgery on the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rddays showed no mortality and 72.7% of them areworking in the follow-up. Cases undergone micro-surgery on the 4th through the 8th day showeda high mortality of 15.2% due to postoperativevasospasm, whereas in cases submitted to micro-surgery in the 2nd week after SAH the operativemortality was 6% and in cases submitted to micro-surgery later than the 2nd week it was 3%. Inthe follow-up 84% and 85.6% are working in thelatter two respectively.
These results seem to encourage ultra-earlysurgery for ruptured aneurysm cases. However,one should always bear in mind that the acutestage of SAH should be regarded as a "systemicdisease", not as a "local disease", and only thosewho have ability and facility to manage thissystemic disease may be qualified to perform earlysurgery for ruptured aneurysms.
Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.