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近時椎骨動脈撮影が,よく行なわれるようになつて椎骨,脳底動脈の動脈瘤が発見される機会が多くなつた。頭蓋内動脈瘤で椎骨脳底動脈領域に発生する率は諸家の報告もまちまちである。McDonald & Korb 18%9),Duvoisin & Yahr 8%4),われわれの教室の統計16)では5%であるが,大体10〜15%ぐらいが妥当なところであろう。この部の動脈瘤の直接手術症例についても報告は少なくない。
1948年Schwartz12)が後頭下開頭術により頭蓋内に動脈瘤をtrapしたのを最初とし,以来幾多の報告がある。Drake2)によれば1960年までの手術症例数は彼の自験例4例を含めて38例である。直接手術30例,間接手術8例となつている。その後の報告をひろつてみると,Mount and Taveras 1例10),Sedzimir 2例13),Hook, etal. 12例(後大脳動脈瘤3例を含む)5),Jamieson 20例6),Drake 10例3),Jannetta et al1例7),Duvoisin, et al. 7例4)などである。
With a more widespread use of vertebral angio-graphy, considerable attention has been given to verte-bro-basilar aneurysms as a source of subarachnoid hemorrhage. We have experienced 6 cases of vertebro-basilar aneurysms which were operated on in our clinic. As to their distribution, we had 4 vertebral, 1 basilar and 1 combined cases. It revealed that clinical signs and symptoms of vertebral aneurysms in our three cases simulated those of posterior fossa mass lesions. Differential diagnosis should be accomplished by means of vertebral angiography. We adopted suboccipital approach for all cases of vertebral aneur-ysms. And its intracranial procedures were 1 muscle wrapping, 2 ligation of the vertebral artery, and 1 removal of aneurysm.
One case of basilar aneurysm was approached through transpharyngeal transclival route, and the aneurysm was coated with Biobond and wrapped with a muscle piece. This transpharyngeal transclival approach will become the most suitable route to the aneurysms situating in the proximal part of the basilar artery.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.