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一方脳血管閉塞症に対する薬物療法もまた,近年多くの報告がなされているが,なかでも,血栓の溶解を目的4)5)6)7)8)9)10)としたものは①fibrinolysinやthrombo—lysinなどのplasmin製剤,②streptokinaseやuro—kinaseなどの線溶活性物質,あるいは,③plasmin—activater mixtureなどが使用され,患側頸動脈への薬物の灌流8)9)などの治療法も行なわれている。
Two cases of cerebrovascular occlusion that were treated by administration of dextran sulphate as fibrinolytic agent were reported.
One case was a 15 year-old boy wilh right internal carotid arterial occlusion at the intracranial siphon and received oral administration of 900 mg of dextran sulphate/day since 10 days after onset of left hemi-paresis attack. The symptom disappeard completely one month later.
The other was a 51 year-old woman wilh right middle cerebral arterial occlusion after selective right external carotid angiography because she had a parasaggital meningioma in the right parietal region. She received intravenous injection of 600 mg of dextran sulphate and 20, 000 unit of urokinase /day for 8 days untill the operation of the brain tumor. But, left flaccid hemiplegia dia not show any recovery. Angiography carried out after treatment demonstrated vascular clearing of occluded parts of cerebral arteries in both cases.
In this report, electrophoretic mobility of red cells of patients who received dextran sulphate therapy was also measured and these red cells showed more negative charge than those of controls. This may explain the anticoagulant and anti-sludging activity of dextran sulphate.
The fibrinolytic activity of dextran sulphate should be studied in more clinical cases in future.

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