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A COMPARATIVE NEUROLOGICAL STUDY OF THE CYPRINID CEREBELLUM RELATED TO THE MODE OF LIFE Shozo Matano 1 1Department of Anatomy, Osaka University Medical School pp.249-253
Published Date 1976/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203852
  • Abstract
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Comparative neuroanatomy may contribute to progress of the evolutionary biology by studying variations of the brain structure related to the ecol-ogical and genetical points of view.

From Weigert-Pal preparations of the brains of the Cyprinid family, two species (cyprinus carpio and pseudogobio esocinus) of brains were selected and were comparatively observed taking the focus upon the cerebellar structure.

The bulbar terminal portions of the acoustico-lateral line and vestibular nerves, that is crista cerebelli, nucleus Deiters, nucleus tangenitalis etc. were well developed in carp than that of pseudo-gobio. Moreover, differences of development were caused in some parts of brainstem ; torus semi-circularis, nucleus lateralis valvulae, posterior mesencephalo-cerebellar tract, brachium conjunc-tivum, interauricular commissure etc. Concerning the acoustico-lateral line and vestibular nervous impulse, the pathway to the cerebellum primarily passes through the crista cerebelli, nuclei tangeni-talis and Deitcrs and cminentia granularis, and secondly does through the torus semicircularis, nucleus lateralis valvulae, the reticular reticular formation and the posterior mesencephalo-cerebellar tract.

As a result, the intensity of organization and integration of the cerebellum is greatly influenced to these structural differences, and the cerebellum in carp was more remarkably developed than that in pseudogobio. Ecologically, pseudogobio always dwells at the bottom of the river, burrows in the muddy river bed, and it's movement shows very poor activity and its never rises toward the surface, whereas carp can quick move and occasionally show jumping activity.

Variations of the cerebellar structure between these two species were considered to be dependent upon the differences of their habit of everyday life.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


