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クモ膜下出血後に発現する正常圧水頭症は脳神経外科臨床に於ける大きな課題の1つであり,その病態に関して種々論議1,15,16,17,21)されている。クモ膜絨毛の髄液吸収の機序は,主にpressure dependentの立場から説明されてきたが,最近クモ膜絨毛の微細構造2,3,6,25,26,27)が明らかになるにつれて,クモ膜絨毛自体の代謝機能が髄液の吸収機転に関与すると考えられるようになつており,正常圧水頭症の成因を解明するためには,クモ膜下出血後のクモ膜絨毛の代謝機能の経時的な変化をとらえる必要がある。しかしながら,クモ膜下出血後のクモ膜絨毛の形態的変化を長期間にわたつて観察した研究すらなく,出血後のクモ膜絨毛の機能障害を解明するまでには至つていない。
An electron microscopic study of the arachnoidvillus has been done in twenty-six adult mongreldogs in relation to normal pressure hydrocephalusafter the subarachnoid hemorrhage. The subara-chnoid hemorrhage has been experimentally madeby injecting the self-blood of 10 ml into the cisternamagna after removal of cerebrospinal fluid of thesame volume. The arachnoid villus have been ob-served with JEM 100B type electron microscope2, 4, 10, 30 and 90 days after the subarachnoidhemorrhage.
The arachnoid villus two and four days after thesubarachnoid hemorrhage have been morphologi-cally kept in the normal structure, and remarkablephagocytosis has been revealed in the arachnoidvillus ten days after the subarachnoid hemorrhage.Increased cellularity has been shown in the arach-noid villus one month after the subarachnoid hem-orrhage. The arachnoid villus three months afterthe subarachnoid hemorrhage have demonstratedmany cytoplasmic filaments and hemidesmosome-likestructures, including narrowed intercellular spaceand increased cellularity. Microfibrils have increasedand structures like basal lamina have been alsoobserved in the stroma.

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