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従来から小児頭部外傷の特殊性を指摘したものは多い3)4)7)8)12)14)18)。その多くは小児の解剖,生理学的特殊性に帰することができる。このことは頭蓋内血腫の発生にもあてはまる。すなわち,小児におけるdiffuse injuryとしての外力は多くの場合shear strainとしてbridgingveinの断裂を招き(時には異常なMittenzweig Veneということもあるが),その結果,急性硬膜下血腫を招来する。一方,小児(特に幼若な)では,硬膜,頭蓋が密着し,特に頭蓋縫合部で強く癒着し,頭蓋骨の硬膜血管溝の形成も未熟であり,頭蓋骨折に伴つた硬膜外血腫は比較的発生しにくい。また,たとえ硬膜外血腫が発生しても頭蓋縫合部をこえて血腫が拡大することは少い。すなわち,硬膜外血腫は余り大きくならないといわれている。さらに,しばしば指摘されている処は頭蓋骨骨折を伴わぬ硬膜外血腫の存在である(McKissock9),Mat—son, D. D. & Ingraham, F. D.8))このような場合,乳幼児頭蓋の特性により,impactの結果頭蓋骨の局部的圧下,そして引き続く戻り現象bent & reboundのため,脳硬膜が頭蓋骨より剥離し,硬膜外腔に存在する脆弱な微小血管が損傷をうけて出血すると考えられ12),これを実験的に証明したものもいる1)。
"Extradural Hematoma of Infancy and Childhood"
The authors analyticaly discussed 10 cases of extradural hematoma of age from 8 month-to 13 year-old. The average age of the cases was 6 year 4 month-old, which was 4 years elder than that of 15 cases of their acute subdural hematoma in child-hood. The head injury was in 6 cases of 10 mild, without initial unconsciousness. The initial symptom was vomiting in 8 cases, following deterioration of consciousness in 60% of them. Onset of the vomit ing was 1 hr. 39mih. after injury. Anisocoria was found in 3 cases, of which hematoma weighted 80 gm. in average, although 41gm. in other cases without anisocoria. Typical trans-tentorial herniation was found only in one cases. Retinal hemorrhage as well as choked disc was found in only one case of 8 month-old infant, who had more 100gm. weighing clot, in other cases no particular changes in the ocular fundi.
This finding was remarkably characteristic com-pared with cases of the acute subdural hematoma in the same age-group.
The slowly developed cases were 3, of which hematoma weighted light under 50gm. Skull fracture, almost linear, was revealed in 9 cases and the hematoma localized preferably in the temporo-parietal as well as parietal region. The operative prognosis was excellent and any cases did not die. The postoperative morbidity was better in cases operated within 24 hrs. after onset of symptoms.

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