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Angioarchitecture of twenty astrocytomas (Kernohan's classification grade 1-grade 4) hasbeen studied with the use of Hasegawa-Ravens method and microangiography. These findings, in turn, have been correlated with the serial angiograms and biological malignancy.
1) Angioarchitecture of the astrocytoma is characterized by the alternation of normal capil-lary networks, increase in vascular number, tor-tuosity and dilatation of vessel caliver. And it would seem that some correlation exists between these vascular pattern gradations and the degree of cytological malignancy. In glioblastoma multi-forme, the vascular pattern became chaotic and numerous large vessels with the diameter of more than handreds micra were observed. In some cases of glioblastoma multiforme anastomotic channels and glomeruloid formations were visible.
2) Angioarchitecture of the astrocytoma differs depending on their origin and manner of the growth. The astrocytoma within or infiltrating into the cerebral cortex where capillary networks are more numerous shows more increased vas-cularity than that within white matter or brain stem.
3) In malignant astrocytoma, angioarchitecture varies from one part of the tumor to another. There is a gradual transition from normal capil-laries at the periphery of the tumor to the dila-tation and tortuosity of the inner part of it. It would, therefore, appear that the tumor staining in cerebral angiograms does not necessarily indi-cate true size of the tumor. This observation is an important fact for the successful resection and radiation therapy of the tumor.
4) The astrocytoma was classified into three groups by the grade of angioarchitecture and angiographic picture as follows, i) astrocytoma, ii) malignant astrocytoma and iii) glioblastoma multiforme. It can be said that the rapider the tumor growth, the more dilated and tortuous the tumor vessels. And clinical malignancy depends upon the degrees of increased tumor vascularity, dilatation of preexisting vessel and arteriovenous shunt in cerebral angiogram. We would like to stress that these findings are very important in the diagnosis and treatment of the astrocytoma.
5) It is difficult to make a diagnosis of the astrocytom from angiographic pictures alone. But angioarchitecture of the brain tumor shows essen-tially very different patterns according to their species in our experience. The study of angio-architecture of the brain tumor may aid, there-fore, in better recognition of the tumor and assist in the differential diagnosis of them in cerebral angiograms.
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