

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


CLINICAL ASPECT OF GROWING SKULL FRACTURE OF CHILDHOOD Hiroshi Itoh 1 , Masamichi Hasue 1 , Toshitsugu Maki 1 , Kazuo Miwa 2 1Dept. of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Medical College pp.57-67
Published Date 1970/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202660
  • Abstract
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In infants and children, the linear fracture of skull heals without the least interference, naturally.

Roentgenologically, a process of the bony fusion after fracture is completed within 6 to 12 months in children.

On the other hand, it is more than a few year in most of adult. Some cases of children, however, do not show bony fusion in routine process, and rather to grow wider fracture line or creater-like edge accompanying with localized skull protuber-ance.

Such rare phenomenon has been known so-called growing skull fracture or "Die Wachsende Schadel fraktur" on the radiological aspect. Here, we re-port 4 cases of this series.

So-called growing skull fracture occures in child-hood or infancy which have most active growth of the skull and the brain.

On the formation of the growing skull fracture, most important factor are the dural breaking and the cranial fissure. Taveras repeated other factor which have relation with this phenomenon, those factors are leptmeningeal cyst growning through dural tear, pulsation of brain and hyperproduction of cerebrospinal fluid. All of 4 cases were suffered from the head trauma in the first year of their life.

This phenomenon occured relatively in early stage after trauma. From the operating findings, we recognized the dural tearing in all cases. However, the cyst formation through dural slit was not al-ways presented. One case (case 3) showed leptome-ningeal cyst in type, but three cases (case 1, 2, 4) showed fibrous granulation interposing in dural defect instead of leptomeningeal cyst.

The latter was being adhered with brain surface through the dural defect. We considered structure of granulation, which may offer suitable step to condution of mechanical pressure of brain pulsation. This is important factor to formation of growing skull fracture with increase of mass of granulation.

We have reported 4 cases of growing skull fra-cture. Among many neurological symptoms, epi-lepsy is relatively high incidence. It was shown in only case 3.

On the diagnosis, the repeated roentgenological examination is the most important procedure for observation of growing protuberance after head injury.

The several factors concerning formation of this fracture have been discussed. We considered, the most significant factor is dural tearing, and pos-sible factor are mechanical pressure of pulsation of the brain or the cerebrospinal fluid and process caused increasing intracranial pressure.

The formation of granulation in local may give suitable step to conduction of various mechanical pressure for region of skull fracture.

Copyright © 1970, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


