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Unverricht (1891年)が初めてミオクロニーと全身けいれん発作を主症状とする症例を1疾患単位として報告して以来,ミオクローヌスてんかんが家族性に出現することはよく知られており多くの報告がある。しかしこれまでの報告は同胞出現例がほとんどで,累代出現例の報告はまれにしかみられない。われわれは3代にわたる累代出現の一家系を経験したので,この家系の脳波を記録検討してその脳波の特徴を考察するとともに,遺伝性の問題についても考察を加えた。
This study deals with a family of Myoclonus epilepsy that is consisted of seven members in three generations. Three of them are suffering from the disease.
The electroencephalography was performed both on two patients and on three members without clinical manifestations.
Electroencephalograms of two myoclonus epileptics showed spikes, poly-spikes and sp. & w. complexes. There were rarely seen alfa waves, and their back-ground activities were fast waves. With the dete-rioration of the disease, spike components increased.
The record obtained from one without clinical manifestations showed the flat EEG.
The electroencephalographic features were discuss-ed.

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