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EEG ON BOXERS:COMPARISON WITH THOSE IN GENERAL HEAD INJURIES Nobuo MORIYASU 1 , Koten SATO 1 , Masayoshi NIREI 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Nihon University Faculty of Medicine pp.757-765
Published Date 1969/7/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202567
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The EEG recorded before and after the matches in a month on the 78 cases of the professional box-ers and the 10 cases of amatuer boxers, which were compared with those of the 300 cases in the general head injuries.

The EEG findings after the matches were as follows. 1) The decreasing in the amplitude of alpha waves. 2) The decreasing in the component of alpha waves. 3) The 'appearance of the slow waves. 4) The group, they were recognized slow waves before the matches, showed the increasing in the amplitude and component of the slow waves, and the tendency to more slow activity.

On the EEG findings, which were recorded on the next day after the matches, slow waves were recognized on 41% of the 53 cases in professional and 20% of the 10 cases in amatuer. Many cases of them showed 6~7 c/sec theta waves. Abnormal EEG of c/sec theta waves and 3 c/sec delta waves were found in some of the professional box-ers. The half cases, which were recognized slow waves after the matches, diminished slow waves within a month, but the other remainded slow waves after a month.

In comarison the EEG findings on the professional boxers with those in the general head injuries, the EEG findings in the boxing injuries were ranked between commotic cerebri and contusio cerebri in the general head injuries on the basis of the ap-pearance and improvement of slow wave. In the boxers, the slow wave activity was found on the half antirior skull in many cases. Those findings were not only polymorphous slow waves but bursts of sinusoidal slow waves in some of them. There was no signficant difference in the aspects of low voltage, flat and diffuse alpha monorhythmic patterns and spike discharge in the both injured groups.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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