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Craniolacunia (Lueckenschaedel, Lacullarskull)は,頭部単純写で容易に診断される疾患であり,かつ本症だけの場合は治療を必要としないものであるから,めずらしいとはいえないが,他に中枢神経系の発育異常を伴うことが多く,1)2)3)5)8)9),その高頻度の合併症としては,水頭症,脊髄髄膜瘤といわれており,これら合併症の種類,およびその数によつて,治療ならびに予後に影響を与えるという点について,注目すべき疾患であるとおもう。それは近年,抗生物質,ならびにshunt opera—tionの進歩によつて,水頭症の予後が希望的になつてきているからである。
A craniolacunia is characterized with multiple, honey comb-like areas of diminished density alter-nating with increased density of the skull ; it is very commonly associated with a hydrocephalus, a my-elomeningocele, a meningocele of the skull and the spine. The authors are reporting our experience with an infant who had a craniolacunia associated with a myelomeningocele, a hydrocephalus, by-poplasia of the corpus callosum, and a huge cavum septi pellucidi.
Case Presention : On December 18, 1967 a female infant of two months of age was admitted to our department with enlargement of the head followingan operation upon myelomeningocele. The circum-ference of the head was 46 cm, The anterior and the posterior fontanels were left open remarkably. The plain skull films showed a craniolacunia. On December 23, 1967 ventricular " bubble " study was performed, revealing a communicating hydrocephalus and a large cavum septi pellucidi. On January 5. 1968 a ventriculo-atrial shunt with Pudenz's valve was carried out via the right internal jugular vein. On the 21 st clay after the operation the patient developed a subcutaneous abscess in the cervical cision area and developed a CSF leakage in the same area on the 56 th day ; the right cardiac tube was removed, then a new cardiac tube being inserted via the left internal jugular vein. Unfor-tunately the infant died of sepsis five and a half months after her birth.
Autopsy disclosed a huge non-communicating cavum septi pellucidi accompanied with a hypoplasia of the corpus callosum.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.