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透明中隔腔(Cavum septi pellucidi,以下CSP)とベルガ腔(Cavum Vergae,以下CV)はCTの普及とともに偶然に発見される機会も多くなり,最近これらの臨床的意義について検討を行っている報告も散見される1-4).しかし,外科的手術の対象として取り上げられることは少ない.CSP,CV自体がcystを形成し,髄液路を閉塞し水頭症をひきおこしたり,周囲脳を圧迫したりする時に,外科的処置が必要となる.
A case of an empyema of cavum septi pellucidi and cavum Vergae is reported.
A 60-year-old male was admitted because of fever, chill shivering, and slight conscious disturbance four days after head trauma. CT scan on admission showed cavum septi pellucidi and cavum Vergae. Lumbar puncture revealed whitish dowdy CSF con-taining 12256/3 WBC. So he was treated with anti-biotics under the diagnosis of suppurative meningitis. Five days after administration of antibiotics high fever went down and consciousness was cleared. But about 10 days later his conscious level was lowered again.

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