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RADIOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE CERVICAL SPINE IN CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE APPLICATION OF CHRISPIN'S METHOD Minoru ISHIDA 1 , Shukuro ARAKI 2 , Yoshigoro KUROIWA 2 1Internal Medicine, Hirosaki Univ, School of Medicine 2Neurological Institute, Kyushu University Faculty of Medicine pp.573-577
Published Date 1967/6/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202225
  • Abstract
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In 1963, Chrispin, et al., described a new method of measuring the cervical spine. The principle used is that of tracing the radiographic outlines of spinal canal and vertebral bodies on x-ray film and weighing the cut-out tracings. The size of the spinal canal is compared with that of the vertebral bodies and a ratio (C/B) was calculated. Such ratios were obtained in symptomatic cervical spondylosis (cervical spondylosis with neurological signs; S.C.S.) 57 cases, asympto-matic cervical spondylosis (A.C.S.) 20 cases, cervical intervertebral disc hernia 20 cases, and normal control 60 cases which were seen at our Institute during the period from June 1964 to May 1965. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of our statistically analyzed values C/B in those conditions. This com-munication presents also the clinical application of this method.

(1) The mean values of C/B were as follows; normal control 98.0±6.7%. A.C.S. 94.3±3. 5%, Cervical disc hernia 93.3±12.3%, and S.C.S. 81.3±9.7%. Each decrease of ratios of S.C.S., cervical disc hernia, and A.C.S. was significant in compared with that of normal control (P<0.05).

(2) In S.C.S., and cervical disc hernia, the mean values of C/B in the cases with so-called pyramidal tract signs was not significantly lower than that of the cases without pyramidal tract signs (P>0.05). However, when value of C/B of S.C.S. was compared in both groups higher and lower from the level of 90(%), significant difference was found in cases with and without long tract signs (P<0.01).

(3) Radiological severity of cervical spine was found in S.C.S. and A.C.S., however, significant difference in values of C/B was found in both conditions. (P<0.01).

(4) In regard to the clinical application of the Chrispin's method, the following points are useful in differentiation between S.C.S., A.C.S., and normal groups.

1) when the value shows over 97.3%, S.C.S. is ruled out.

2) when the value shows belows 83%, A.C.S. and normal groups are ruled out.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


