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Sodium 4—hydroxybutyrate (OBA)はLaborit1)により,中枢抑制作用を持つ物質として紹介された。この物質の脳内での生理的存在については,まだ異論2)3)もあるが,化学的には,GABA代謝に関連した位置にあると想定され,その生理的作用および脳内代謝での位置について興味が持たれている。すなわち,この物質の投与による,抑制状態は自然睡眠にきわめて類似していることが認められ1),OBAと自然睡眠のメカニズムとの関係が,種々の立場から検討されるようになつた。武藤4)らは,一般に低級脂酸(n—, iso-valeric acid, n-butyric acid, n-caproic acid)による中枢抑制は主として中脳網様体—視床—新皮質系に作用するとし,さらに松崎ら5)は動物に低級脂酸を投与し,自然睡眠でのみ現れる,逆説睡眠を認め,これら関連物質と正常睡眠のメカニズムとの関係を強調した。Holmquist and Ingvar6)はOBA投与による動物の皮質脳波と皮質脳血流量との関係を調べ,脳波の徐波化に一致して,皮質脳血流量の増加することを観察した。この結果はBarbiturateによる抑制作用と異なつており,むしろ,自然睡眠時の人間で得られた結果7)に類似している。
I. In the perfusion experiments of the cat brain in situ by the modified method of Geiger and Magnes, the direct action of sodium 4-hydroxybutyrate (OBA) on the cerebral metabolism and EEG was examined. OBA was administered in the carotid artery at the amount of 0.3 m moles.
The results were as follows :
1) EEG showed marked slowing of frequency. The rate of cerebral blood flow showed a transient initial decrease, followed by a longer lasting increase. The initial decrease of cerebral blood flow preceded the slow-ing of EEG.
2) The glucose uptake and the lactate output tended to the small increase. The oxygen consumption showed no significant changes.
II. The activating 'effect of the clinical EEG was tested on 10 control cases and 50 patient cases. OBA was administered intravenously.
1) The control group showed no abnormal EEG with this drug up to the amount of 3000mg.
2) The dose given to the patient group was 1000 mg. The abnormal EEG was evoked in 17 cases, increased in 12 cases. The localized abnormal EEG was detected in 7 cases. Six and fourteen positive spike was observed in 2 cases.
3) In the patient group, 25 cases reached to the drowsy state and 14 cases to the light sleep, similar to the natural sleep.
4) The high voltage slow wave was appeared soon after the injection in 9 cases, in which 7 cases had a irregular basic rhythm, showing the possible exis-tence of organic changes of the brain.
5) No side effects were observed.
From the results of animal experiment and the clinical use, the action of OBA on the brain function was different from the other anesthetics such as bar-biturates, and could be explained as an induction of the natural sleep.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.