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動物の脳と躯幹を神経系によつてのみ連絡し,脳循環を体循環から完全に遮断して人工血液の灌流によつて脳の機能を維持する脳灌流実験においては,人工血液の組成と脳の機能状態との関係を直接的に観察することが可能である。脳を灌流する人工血液として,リンゲル液中に酸素を運搬する赤血球,滲透圧を保つヒドロデキストラン,エネルギー源としてグルコースを含む単純血液を用いた場合には,短時間のうちに脳は血液中のグルコースを摂取できなくなり,脳中グルコースは急速に低下し,乳酸が蓄積し脳波上にも脳機能水準の低下が明瞭となる。このとき,Geigerら1)は脳循環系の途中に肝を挿入することによつて,乳酸の蓄積と脳機能水準の低下を防ぎうることをみいだし,肝のリンゲル抽出液にも同様な効果を認めた。これにつづいてGeiger and Yamasaki2)は肝抽出液中に含まれるシチジンとウリジンがほぼ同様な効果をもつことを認めた。
In the perfusion experiments of the cat brain in situ by the modification of Geiger's method, the brain functions were maintained on high levels by the addition of cytidine monophosphate (CMP) and uridine mono-phosphate (UMP) to the "simpified" blood which consisted of Ringer's solution, bovine red cells, hydro-dextran and glucose. The electroencephalography showed the longer-lasting desychronized patterns during the perfusion experiments performed under unanaesthetized and inmobilized conditions with Flaxedil. CMP and UMP had the effects of increasing the glucose uptake by the brain and decreasing the lactate output from the brain.
The administration of CMP and UMP was useful to the patients suffering from the residual symptoms of the carbon monoxide poisoning as well as the head injuries. Forty mg of CMP and the same amount of UMP with 20 per cent glucose solution were injected intravenously for two to three weeks. CMP and UMP relieved remarkably the impairments of volition and memory. These symptoms are to be thought of the expressions of metabolic disturbances of the brain. CMP and UMP were effective to the patients not susceptible to the other drugs, these were supposed to be the metabolic activators of the brain. Also, the higher effectiveness were expected by the combined use of CMP and UMP with the other metabolic activators.
Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.