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AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPE STUDY ON THE BRAIN EDEMA, WITH REFERENCE TO THE EFFECT OF HYPERTONIC SOLUTION AND STEROID HORMONE Kohei OKADA 1 1Division of Neurosurgery, Institute of Brain Research, Niigata Univ., School of Med. pp.1025-1039
Published Date 1965/10/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201931
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Brain edema was induced experimentally by the compression exerted with the extradurally inserted balloon in adult cats. Some of these animals with brain edema were then treated by administration of either hypertonic solution or steroid hormone. Morphological characteristcs of the brain edema thus made and the alterations induced by the treatments were studied by means of electron microscopy.

A. Capillary endothelium of the edematous brains not treated shows increased pinocytotic activity and some parts of the pericapillary basement membrane are splitted into two sheets, the cleft between which contains collagenous fibrils and vesicular structures with diameter of 500 to 700Å. Astrocytes of these brains are swollen extreamly, and contain an increased number of specific fine granules of 500 to 700Å in diameter which are considered to be characteristics of astrocytes. These granules are fixed well by potassium permanganate, stained distinctly by uranyl acetate, and not digested by saliva, thus being considered to be neither glycogen nor RNP granules, but glycoprotein or glycolipid in nature. Mitochondria of nerve cells in these brains are vacuolized and their cristae deranged, while such intracytoplasmic membranous structures of these neurons as endopl-asmic reticulum and nuclear envelope, are distended markedly. In spite of these marked changes, inter-cellular spaces in these edematous brains are not expanded and seem quite similar to those in normal brains.

From these findings, the blood brain barrier may be the integrated function of the capillary endothe-lium, the pericapillary basement membrane and the process of astrocyte. The brain edema might be brought about by dysfunction of the blood brain barrier. Of particular interest is the increment of the specific fine granules in the astrocyte of the edematous brain. These granules, though their nature is not yet clear, seem to reflect, at least partly, the states of the astrocytic metabolic activity, the disorder of which is suggested to be one of the decisive causes of brain edema, in addition to the derangement of the endothelium and basement membrane.

B. When hypertonic solution is administered to the animals with the brain edema induced experimentally, the pinocytotic activity of the capillary endothelium is not so marked as in the case of non-treated edematous brain, and resembles to that of normal one, though the pericapillary basement membrane shows the same changes as observed in non-treated cases.

Astrocytic processes seem not swollen by this time, but the unusual increment of the specific fine granules is perceivable as yet. Nerve cells show now normal appearance, their mitochondria and mitochondrial cristae showing little changes and endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope being not distended. No alteration of the intercellular space is noted.

These fine structural manifestations of hypertonic solution to the edematous brain would confirm the process of dehydration as having been proposed to the effect of such osmo-therapy.

C. When steroid hormone (predonisolone) is pro-phylactically administered previvous to or immediately after compression of the brain, capillary endothelium and pericapillary basement membrane present no abnormality, and the cleft formation in basemet membrane and occurrence of collagenous fibrils in them cannot be recognized. Astrocytic processes, which are not dilated, contain only moderate number of specific granules, but are crowded with increased and concentrated mitochondria. Nerve cells do not show any morphological changes after administration of steroid hormone.

It might be said electronmicroscopically that predo-nisolone protects the blood brain barrier from the damage of noxious agents against the brain and prevent the occurrence of brain edema, although its chemical or metabolic mechanism in the brain is not clear at present.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


