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An electron microscopic study on Gargoynism Yushi Uchimura 1 , Yutaka Toshima 1 , Toru Sekiya 1 1Neuropsychiatric Research Intitube pp.47-56
Published Date 1965/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431904151
  • Abstract
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 Cooperative studies on the bioptic cerebral tissue from a seven yc ars old male with Gargoylism have been performed in various fields. This report describes electron microscopic observation.

 -Nerve cell A number of granular substances with irregular shapes from 0.5 to 3 microns in diameter, were found in the swollen cytoplasm. These granular substances would be classified into the two types, high electron dense granular substance (H.Gs.) and low electron dense granular substance (L.Gs.). Additionally, there were some transitional type. Mainly, H.Gs. was mingled, and L.Gs. isolated. Among the H.Gs. at least two forms were observed. The first was oval form with many membranous layers in parallel with its short axis. This was unique. The second was round form with membranous layers concentrated, which was similar to the M.C.B. by Terry et al. The main pathological changes in the nerve cell were mingled state of different granular substances with the oval H.Gs. as a core and lesser normal mitochondrien.

 Blood vessels

 The cytoplasm of the swollen pericytes of the capillary was filled by the vacuolens from 1 to 3 microns in diameter. The cytoplasm of the perithelial cells increased up to the Virchow-Robin Space of small vessels was filled also by the similar vacuolens. The nuclei were compressed and deformed by these vacuolens and changed to the high electron density. These vacuolens consisted of low electron dense non structural homogeneous substances.

 This observation is the first report on the Gargoylism using the electron microscope.

 The above particular findings were discussed in comparison with the picture of the cerebral lipoidosis. The chacteristics of the granular substances in the nerve cell suggested that its origin might be the mitochondria. The vacuolens in the vessel would have any relation to the acid mucopolysaccaride. These findings would contribute to the differentiation between the gargoylism and the other lipoidosis.

Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


