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Accurate identification of nature of a soft parttumor is a very difficult test of pathologistsworking at light optical level. A systemic elctron-microscopic study of a relatively large seriesof the soft part tumors has been done by theauthor and reliable criteria have been establi-shed in differentiating such group of benign andmalignant tumors. The author presents concretemorphological characteristics of the neurogenicneoplasmas occurring in the soft parts as obser-ved by means of electronmicroscopy. With mul-tiple illustrations the author explains how thefine-structural features of the nerve cells andSchwann cells can be reproduced in the tumorscells in both benign and malignt proliferation.In this particular group of cells, partiular diffe-rentiations are usually seen in the types ofcellular membrane and cytoplasmic organellae.The findings are regarded as giving support tothe author's hypothesis that neoplastic changesof somatic cells are not primarily concernedwith intrinsic differentiation.
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