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1918年Madame DéjerineおよびCeillier1)は,脊髄損傷による対麻痺患者の関節周辺部に化骨現象の起こつている例を報告し,さらに1919年,戦傷による脊髄損傷患者に,多数の同様な疾患を認めて,これをpara—osteo-arthropathyと名づけ,詳細な検討を行なつた。
本症の特徴は,Madame DéjerineおよびCeillierによれば,臨床的ならびにレントゲン学的に,関節および骨周囲に明らかな骨新生が認められるが,本来の関節および周には形態学的変化の存しないことであるという。
Para-osteo-arthropathy is a rare disease for the hemiplegic patients with cerebral lesions, and in our country there are few or no reports on this disorder of cerebral origin. Two these cases were reported here. First case was a 59 years old madame. She had pain and swelling in the left upper arm and left thigh during intense rehabilitation therapy of left hemiplegia due to cerebrovascular stroke, and then, three and a half months after the stroke, she was recognized the ossification arround the shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joints on the left side. Second case was a 29 years old woman, who suffered from para-osteo-arthropathy arround the humerus and hip joint on the left side in the course of severe left hemiplegia that might be caused by stenosis of the right internal carotid artery.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.