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EXPERIENCE IN CLINICAL APPLICATION OF BLOOD VESSEL SUBSTITUTE IN THE PARTIAL INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY OCCLUSION Masahiro OGATA 1 , Shigeji KIJIMA 2 1Dept. of Surgey Kobe Central Muncipal Hospital 2Dept. of Internal Medicine Kobe Central Muncipal Hospital pp.516-522
Published Date 1964/6/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201659
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A 72-year-old man came to this hospital having noticed a small swelling in the left side of his neck about a month and a half previously, complaining of heavy feeling in his head. Percutaneous left carotid angiogram showed partial obstruction of the left internal carotid artery at the origin. On the opposite side the internal carotid artery was found to be slightly kinked, but no obstruction was observed. The patient was associated with hypertension and arteriosclerosis. Metas'test of a week's duration was made before operation to asses the effect of left carotid compression for fear of worsening his defect. Transient compres-sion of carotid artery showed increased carotid sinus syndrome such as accelerated respiration, dizziness, pressure in the chest and so forth, but failed to show fainting and failing vision.

A left internal carotid arterectomy was performed under general anesthesia. When opend, it was felt that the left internal carotid artery was occluded at its origin. A circumscribed atherosclerotic plaque at the origin of the left internal carotid artery was excised and Tetron Graft Kmitted Tube used as blood vessel substitude was inserted between the common carotid and the internal carotid artery. It tooked as long as 40 minutes to perform this kind of procedure, though it is hoped that the procedure should be made under hypothermia within 5-30 minutes.

At the stenosis, the resected blood vessel was reduced in calibre (1.5mm.). Histologically, it was reported as "intimal atherosclerotic plaque".

After surgical intervention, Heparin and Warfarin were given for 12 days to prevent thrombosis.

Re-examination of the left carotid angiography 3 weeks following surgery disclosed clearly that the direction of blood flow in the substitutive blood vessel was normal.

In the seven months period following surgery there has been no further incident. The patient is much improved and heavy feeling in the head has disap-peared. Carotid pulses are normal to palpation.

In Japan, the etiologic agent is considered to be due more frequently to spontaneous cccusion than to arteriosclerosis.

According to Kimoto, he succeeded in performing an autoplastic graft that is taken from the patient's own vein and used to take the place of a removed artery.

In an attempt to improve the therapeutic approch, we tried to use the blood vessel substitute instead of the patient's own vein and this has met with success. There is now no doubt that curative treatment of this type is satisfactory.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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