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1) The EEG" activities" (frequency respon-ses) in the cerebral sensory areas (bilateral lateral and posterior sigmoid gyri) and thala-mic nuclei (left centre médian and rigt late-ral geniculate body) of cats, unanesthetized and immobilized with Flaxedil, were investi-gated by delivering 3~11/sec photic flicker stimulation to the right eye alone and sync-hronously combined stimulation of this flick-er and electric shock to the right main pad.
2) It was observed in the frequency spect-ra obtained from the autocorrelograms of the ECoGs before and during the photic flicker stimulation and the combined stimulation that not only the augmentation of the cerebral activities of the stimulating frequency and its high harmonic frequency but also the inh-ibition of the inherent activities were simult-aneously verified by the stimulation.
3)" Activity" driven by the photic flicker stimulation alone in the cerebral sensory area (lateral gyrus, posterior sigmoid gyrus) was augmented by the combined stimulations of about 3~7/sec, whereas it was inhibited by the stimulations of about 7~11/sec. Though the" activity" in the thalamus (centre médian and lateral geniculate body) was inhibited by the combined stimulation of the latter frequ-ency, no obvious effects were observed in the instances of former stimulations.
4) It would be able to conclude, therefore, that the inhibitory process induced by cutan-eous stimulation in the visual cortex will be followed by the same process as in the thala-mic level, while the augmentative one will be caused predominantly by the convergence of retinal and cutaneous afferent impulses in the cortical neurons themselves.
5) The" activity" of the lateral geniculate body was influenced by the stimulation to the cutaneous receptors to suggest the cutaneous effects upon the visual" activities".

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