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従来消化管の運動はその末梢作用にのみ観察が行なわれてきたが,近時その中枢支配に関しても注目する必要を認めざるを得ない。中枢神経,特に間脳と消化管の関係については古くは1889年Bechterewらが視床中部ならびに後部に腸運動を促進する部位があると報告して以来幾多の研究がなされてきたが,われわれは次のような目的で実験を試みてみた。第1は中枢神経と消化管の運動の関連性を検討すること,第2に諸種麻酔薬の中枢性に胃腸運動におよばす影響,第3に大槽内に薬物を注入することにより機能的疾患の治療法を検討すること,第4に大槽内薬物注入により消化管に機能的疾患を作りその病態を明らかにしようとすることなどにある。実験には犬を用い,あらかじめ空腸瘻を造設しておき,次に大槽内に慣性カニューレを植えこみ,これより無麻酔下でChlorpromazine, Thiopental sodiumおよびCaffeine Sodiobenzoateを注入し空腸瘻に入れたバローンにより空腸運動を描記観察した。
In order to investigate multiple functionalcomponents of the gastrojntestinal motility, particularly in the relationship between themidbrain and hypothalamic area to the motilityof the gastrointestinal organs, a catheter wassurgically inserted into the cisternal spaceof dogs and various medications were injectedunder no anaesthesia. A jejunostomy was previously established and motility of the intestinal segment by means of kymography by the rubber balloon was obtained after injection of the agents. Thus rather ideal influence to the motility by direct pharma-ceutical effect to the central nervous system, is obtained. Motility of the jejunal segment without medication 2 weeks after the insertion of the catheter revealed no changes in com-parison with the control group. A marked inhibitory effect to the intestinal motility was obtained by injecting 70μg/kg of Chlorpro-mazine into the cisternal space and this was rather transitory. Increase in the intrain-testinal pressure was seen in 15 minutes with increase in peristalsis. Prolongation of the motility period was seen after 30 to 40 minutes and increase in tonus and peristalsis were also observed. The similar changes were noted by injection of 140μg/kg. Caffein 4 mg/kg showed a marked inhibition and Thio-pental sodium 2.5mg/kg showed a transitory increase and irritation with gradual change into the inhibitory phase. The same change was noted even 5 mg/kg of thiopental sodium was injected.
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