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SchaltenbrandとBailey共編の人脳の定位手術の大著(1959)の中にvon Boninが基底核basal gangliaについて書いているが,その中に扁桃核の分類に触れ,次の如く述べている。「Gene-rally two divisions of the amygdala are re-cognized:abasolateral and a corticomedial,although Koikegami et al.(1955) feel that this is inadequate」。この文は誤解を招くかと思う。我々はこの分類が,機能上及び線維関係上,扁桃核内の二大別としては工合悪いと考えるのであつて,解剖学的にはbasolateral群は所謂固有扁桃核amygdala properとして独立しており,従つてかかる分類の考え方が起るのは当然である。生理学的実験では固有扁桃核のうちの内側部(我々の内側主核)は,corticomedial群と類似した自律神経性反応を示すことが多い。これは内側主核が皮質性要素を多く含むためであるかも知れない。すなわちJohnston (1923)も述べている如く,内側主核(Johnstonの基底核の内側小細胞性部)の一部は,皮質部の細胞の内方陥入によつて生じたと考えられるからである(Uchida,1950参照,しかし三上,1952は人胎児ではかかる所見はないという)。
From the results of cytoarchitectonic inves-tigations on the amygdala of many brains of mammals, birds and reptiles, it is conclu-ded that the so-called lateral part of the basal nucleus (intermediate principal nucleus of our denomination) can be generally divi-ded into a dorsal and a ventral portion (T1′ and T2′) in mammals, while in some ani-mals a dorsomedial portion (T3′) is disting-uishable. The latter was recognized by some American authors as accessory basal nucleus especially in Carnivora, while the same name was given in monkey and man to another gro-up of cells, which is identical, in our opinion, to the medial portion of the basal nucleus (medial principal nucleus of our denomination) of other mammals. The original name "acce-ssory basal nucleus" proposed by Johnston in opossum corresponds evidently to the caudal part of the lateral portion of the basal nucleus (T1′ and T2′).

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