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Chlorpromazine, Reserpineの登場以来精神神経科領域に於ける薬物治療の進歩は著しいものがあり,うつ状態に対する治療についても今回我我が臨床的に使用する経験を得たCatron以前にAntidepressantとしてAmphetamine, Ipro-niazid, Methylphenidylacetate hydrochloride(Rtalin),Dimethylaminoethanol, Imipra-mine (Tofranil),等が続々と登場し使用される様になつた。
Catron (JB 516,β-phenylisopropyl hydrazine HC1) is a quite attractive antidepressant be-cause of it's well known mechanism of clini-cal and pharmacological action on the mono-amine oxidase in the brain.
A preliminary trial of this agent was un-dertaken in 43 patients: 5 endogeneous de-pressions, 9 involutional depressions, 1 senile depression, 2 reactive depressions, 11 neuro-tics and 14 others including schizophrenics and rheumatics.
The results of this study were as follows:
1) 13 cases out of depressive psychosis sho-wed considerable improvement.
2) Main symptoms significantly improved were the feeling of weakness, and the emo-tional depression and their complaints such as sadness and hopelessness were dismissed.
3) Further all of 4 rheumatics and 6 out of 7 neurotics with complaints of feeling of weakness also improved markedly.
It would be concluded, from these observa-tions, that Catron is a potent antidepressant to require further study.

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