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所謂封入体脳炎は1933年ついで1934年にDaw-sonにより始めて発表されたもので1)2),彼は臨床的にEconomo脳炎と診断された2例を剖検したところ,病理解剖学的に夥しい封入体を中枢神経系に発見し,この封入体が形態学的にHer-pes simplex脳炎の封入体と殆んど区別出来ないが,実験動物,殊に家兎に移殖出来ないので,この疾患は未知のヴイールスによる薪しい疾患であるとして「封入体脳炎」と名付けたのである。この疾患は,10歳前後の小児に知能低下等を以つて徐々に発病し,協同運動障害,運動失調,Myo-clonus,その他の不随意運動,痙攣発作,言語障害,視力障害等多彩な神経症状を呈し,数カ月乃至数年の経過をもつて,死に至る疾患で臨床的にも特徴ある病像を呈するものである。
1. A 21-year-old female patient has gra-dually developed mental deteriolation, cho-reatic movement, ataxia, and incoordination at the age of 14 years, followed by convulsion, myoclonus, speech disturbance, intention tre-mor, nystagmus and visual disturbances in the course of years.
Although inclusion body failed to be demon-strated with histopathological examination of biopsy material of the brain, clinical diagno-sis of inclusion encephalitis was made from the typical clinical signs of the patient.
2. The literature of the disease was revi-ewed and the clinical findings of autopsy cases reported were discussed. Since most of the patients show considerably uniform clinical signs and symptoms, it is felt the disease can be clinically diagnosed and diffe-rentiated from diseases with similar clinical manifestations.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.