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此の研究に引き続いて,山田7)は,電撃後の血漿諸性状なかんずく血漿蛋白分屑及び血清電解質としてNa, K, Clの変動などについて実験観察を行い,一方上杉8)〜10)は,無処置並びに下垂体副腎皮質ホルモン前処置した家兎に,電撃を加えた際の血液諸性状の変動について観察を行い,夫々前述の現象を再確認すると共に,各々特徴的な結果を発表した。
We had already published our work on fluc-tuations in properties of the blood following electroshock treatment. In recent years nar-cotizing electroshock treatment (the treat-ment consisting in administering electrick shock following injections of an anesthetic) of psychotic patients has frequently been tried. So we have attempted to investigate into fluctuations in properties of the blood (specific gravity, various numerical values of the erythrocytes, eosinophil cell count, blood plasma protein fractions and serum Na and K levels) obtained from patients having this treatment. The results of the present series of experiments were compared with the results we had obtained with patients who had had non-narcotizing electroshock treatment.
Patints studied consisted of two groups of patients: one group of patients received elec-troshock treatment following injections of an anesthetic, while the other group only recei-ved injections of a anesthetic, the latter ser-ving as the control. In producing anesthesia amobarbital soda was used in a dose of 0.1 gm per Kg of body weight.

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