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クロールプロマジンは,1951年Laborit1)によつて,始めて人為冬眠麻酔に用いられて以来,1952年にはDelay & Deniker2)3)によつて,各種の精神科疾患にも用いられて,その臨牀的応用が拡大されて来た。一方,薬理作用についても,Courvoisier4),小林5)等は,かなり詳細な研究を行つて,その解明に努力している。即ち,その主な作用は,特異な中枢作用と自律神経遮断効果であるが,その後の種々の角度からの研究によれば作用は益々複雑性をまし,その機転についても多角的となつている。
Chlorpromazin used clinically alleviation of the pain was studied from two aspects: 1) the influence of the pain threshold and 2) the pain reducing effect.
In the former the Hardy-Wolff-Goodell dolorimeter and self-made coild spring esthe-siometer were used to measure the pain threshold and its alternation which was acieved by the intramusc lar injectiou of Chlorpromazine (1mg/kg) was investigated for two hours.
The result, which was measured in ten subjects, showed that perception and reaction threshold generally inclined to descend, and the threshold at 30 and 60 minutes was lowest, then it returned gradually to the normal threshold.
On the other hand, the deep pain threshold was in the normal range.
Hewer and Keele's method was applied for the study of the pain reducing effect. The power of analgesics to relieve pain experi-mentally induced by the contraction of is-chemic muscle were tested by this method, therefore it would be lain somewhere between the usual threshold studies and clinical obser-vation on the effectiveness of analgesics.

Copyright © 1957, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.