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松果体の解剖学的位置から,この部に発生した腫瘍は特有の症候を呈し,これが典型的なものでは診断は容易である。即ち早期にジルビウス導水管入口を閉鎖して内脳水腫をおこし,同時に申脳被蓋部圧迫による瞳孔反射障碍,共働性上方瞥見鷹痺(Parinaud氏徴候)を必発し,腫瘍が前方に大きくなれぼ視床下部の症状,即ち植物神経中枢障碍による種々の変化が目立つし,後方に大きくなれば小脳圧迫による眼球震盪,失調等々もあらわれ,また大脳脚を圧迫すると錐体路症状も出現してくる。また時として早熟(Pubertas prae—cox, Macrogenitosomia praecox, Pellizzi氏症候群)もみることがある。もつともこの発生起点については松果体自体の破壊によるとするものと視床下部後部障碍によると云う説があるが現今ではむしろ後説が有力である。
Two cases of tumor of ependymal origin are reported.
The first case, 15-year-old boy, was admitted suffering from headache, somnolence and diabe-tes insipidus, having Precocious puberty and Parinaud'sign etc. From the characteristic ventriculographical findings, it was decided that the tumor was situated not only in the posterior portion of the third ventricle, but also in the lateral ventricular wall diffusely, which was verified by the autopsy. Histologically, the tumor was characteristic of the pinealomas, with the additional presence of ependymal cells, ependymal rosettes and perivascular palisades.
The second patients aged 19, male, was admi-tted because of headache, confusion, amnesia and diabetes insipidus, having bitemporal hemi-anopsia and primary optic atrophia. The au-thor diagnosed it clinically as a suprasellar tu-mor associated with panhypopituitarism. The autopsy revealed the tumor arising from sup-rasellar part of the third ventricle and exten-ded to the Sylvian aqueduct. It was a typical pinealoma histologically. The pineal body was normal in location, size and histology, but was surrounded by pinealomatous elements.
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