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大脳のSteady potentialは皮質の樹状突起から軸索の方向の膜の分極による電位勾配が一つの原因である事がLibet & Gerard1)により実証されている。
正常では一般に大脳はsciatic nerveに対し陽電位である2)が,麻酔により陽電位を増し3)電気刺戟に対する反応の低下にともない皮質は陽電位になると報告されている4)。一方睡眠中には減少し5)hypnosisには変動する事が注意されている6)。
I. Investigations have been carried out on the effects of several anesthetics on the steady po-tential recorded from the cortical surface of rabbit.
(1) Ether and oltpan soda caused a fall of steady potential.
(2) Inhalation of chloroform produced a rise followed by a fall.
(3) Barbiturate anesthesia produced a raise of steady potential.
(4) During urethane and chloral hydrate anesthesia, no significant effect was observed on the steady potential.
It was described that these results are rela-ted to the permeability of cell membrane ane-sthetized and selected blocking action on the synapse exerted by anesthetics.
II. (a) The steady potentials of cortical sur-face were measured during the experimental sleep and adynamia or motor reaction induced by the interrupted passage of minute electric current.
(1) The steady potential declined during the experimental sleep.
(2) The states of adynamia or motor reaction produced a rise.
(b) Electroshock generated a abrupt rise of steady potential.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.