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Rauber-Kopschによれば,解剖的に睾丸は交感神経の支配であつて,精系動脈に沿って下つて来る精系神経叢Plexus spermaticusに支配されているとし,Schwabは睾丸の知覚中枢をD10—L1としている。然し乍ら,この知覚と中枢との関係を人体について臨床的に実験した文献は,私は見出すことが出来なかつた。
私は多数の重度脊髄損傷を扱つて,睾丸知覚と陰嚢皮膚知覚が平行しない事に興味を感じ,33例の重度脊髄損傷について,睾丸知覚と脊髄損傷高位との関係を調査し,2, 3の知見を得たので報告する。
The pain elicited by grasping testicle was examined on 33 cases of the severely injured spinal cords in the stationary stage and the results were compared with the injured seg-ment of the spinal cord.
The following conclusions were obtained:
1) In the total section of the spinal cord, the pain caused by grasping testicle is negati-ve, if the injury is located above the tenth tho-racic segment. And the result may be either negative, or positive, if the injury is situated in the elventh and twelfth thoracic segment. It is always positive, if the lesion is below the first lumber segment.
2) From the above results as well as the anatomical relations, it may be concluded that the sensory tract of the pain caused by gras-ping testicle passes through the minor splan-chinic nerve.
3) Therefor the test of grasping testicle may be of value in the segmental diagnosis of the spinal cord injury.

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