

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


An Apparatus for Continuous Ventricular Drainage and Continuous Measuring of Intracranial Pressure Jiro Suzuki 1 1Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Tohoku University pp.280-283
Published Date 1955/9/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200461
  • Abstract
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Ventricular drainage as a treatment of inc-reased intracranial pressure is by no means a new concept in foriegn countries. In recent years success has been reported employing the ratio-nale of continuous ventricular drainage with varying types of aseptic closed systems, but there have been found only a few reports about it in our country. It was emphasized that this procedure has many conveniences for the postoperative treatments and care of neuro-surgical cases. The author devised a new apparatus for continuous measuring of cerebro-spinal fluid pressure, being in mind about Aseptic, Preventation of the excessive incre-asing and decreasing of intracranial pressure and Conveniences for use. A Polyethylene ca-theter (2.5 mm in diameter) is used to be in-serted into the lateral ventricle under strict de-sinfection. This catheter is connected by means of a glass adapter to flexible rubber tubing (about 45 cm in length) to the appartaus, as shown in Fig. I. This apparatus is usually so positioned, that the curved top of the glass tube (C) is about 15 cm above the end of ca-theter (A). But any desired pressure can be maintained by rising or lowering this apparatus. The tube (E) is used for prevention of the negative pressure in crainum due to the Siphon phenomena. A small amount of corrosive sub-limate solution (F) is used for sterilization of the air that comes from the tube (E).

It is possible to measure intracranial press-sure, if the tube (E) is closed. When the tube (E) is connected with Straingauge-Manometer and the tube (D) is closed, the pressure curve can be mapped.

Copyright © 1955, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


