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As already shown by the author, respiratory movement, heart rhythm and voluntary move-ment of the frog (Rana nigromaculata) are easily inhibited by cutaneous pressure stimu-lus, so electrical activity of the hemisphere is investigated in this state ("animal hypnosis") and some new results are obtained as follows:
1. There seems remarkable difference bet-ween the ECG tracings of the frog hemisp-here and that of adult human occiput, i. e. the former is more irregular than the latter in many cases. Relatively little differences are seen in qualitatively, however, but quantita-tively in the structure of the frequency spec-trum of them (Fig. 1, 2 and 3).
2. It is recogniserble in the frequency spec-turums that cutaneous pressure stimulus cau-ses the diminution of all rhythms and besides some of the components in alpha rhythm (Fig. 1, 2 and 3), theta rhythm (Fig. 2 and 3 ), delta rhythm (Fig. land 3) and beta rhythm (Fig. 1,2 and 3) are fallen off.
3) From above results it may be proved di-rectly that even the highest level of the cen-tral nervous system such as the hemisphere (forebrain) of the frog is inhibited by cutan-eous pressure stimulus.
4) Adaptation to the cutaneous pressure sti-mulus occurs in ECG (Fig. 4 and 5) before the change in the posture and voluntary move-ments are not gotten back.

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