

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Pilomotor Reflex:Physiology and Pathology of Cutis anserina Shigeo, Okinaka 1 , Yasuo, Toyokura 1 1Dept. of Internal Medicine, Univ. of Tokyo Medical School pp.1-6
Published Date 1953/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200319
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In hairy animals piloerection plays, as it is well known, an important rôle in heat regula-tion against cold; this phenomenon is used to be observed also in man as cutis anserina, i. e. goose skin, which consists of contraction of the smooth muscles of hairy follicules. Although erection of hair in man is usually less conspici-ous and its thermoregulatory effect remains almost negligible, pilomotor activities are me-diated only through the purely neural mecha-nism, possessing all qualities of the "autonomic reflex" in the exact sense of word. But the neurologic significance of pilomotor reflex in clinical practise has been poorly evaluated be-cause of lack of adequate knowledge concerning pilomotor innervation.

The authors reviewed extensive literature on the pilomotor reflex, including recent advance in experimental studies as well as historical note on the subject. Discussions were made in following details :-

I Introduction

1) Historical note on cutis anserina

2) Nomenclature of cutis anserina

3) Definition of cutis anserina

II Anatomy, physiology and pharmacology of pilomotor muscles

III Physiology of Pilomotor reflex:- (1) Types of pilomotor reaction. (2) Provo- cation of pilmotor reflex (3) " Gänsehaut- welle" (goose flesh waves) (4) Interrupting lines of "Gänsehautwelle" (5) Pilomotoric sensation (6) Pilomotor reflex and related phenomena in distant viscera

IV Innervation of pilomotor nervous system

(A) Pilomotor centers

(1) in spinal level

(2) in diencephalic level

(3) in cortical level

(B) Pilomotor pathways

(1) in spinal reflex arc

(2) descending pathways from higher pilomotor centers

(3) discending pathways in spinal cord

(C) Inhibitory nerve of pilomotor acti- vity

V Pathology of pilomotor reflex

(1) in peripheral nerve lesion

(2) in cerebral lesion

(3) in spinal lesion

(4) in miscellaneous diseases

VI Clinical evaluation of pilomotor reflex

Copyright © 1953, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


