

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Family Case of Myotonia Atrophica Ogino Koichi 1 , Motomura Shunji 1 1The 3rd Medical Clinic of Medical Faculty of Kyoto University pp.310-314
Published Date 1952/9/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200306
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There has been reported in Japan, 18 family cases (23 indivifual cases) of the myotonia atrophica (Dystrophia myotonica), in the regions of Sendai, Tokyo, Niigata, Okayama, Kyoto, Nagoya, but not in other regions. Recently we experienced a family case of this rare disease, the symptoms of which manifested themselves in two brothers, in the Wakayama Prefecture as follows. The elder one was a farmer aged 36. He already began to feel the difficulty to relax promptly his fingers after a forceful grasp at the age of 15. Thereafter, this disorder gradually intensified, and, besides this 2 years ago, the trophic disturbance appeared in his extremities, so that he became hard to walk, especially to go up the steps. Moreover, he recently was suffering from the impotency. The patient showed the delayed relaxation of muscles not only after the tightly grasp (active myotonic reaction), but also by the mechanical or electrical stimulations (passive myotonic reac-tion). The muscles in his extremities, face and neck was so markedly atrophic that he showed the myasthenic facies and the poor en-unciation. Besides, we found the testicular atrophy, the incipient cataract, the baldness of his fore-head and the increase of creatine in urine. The younger one was a techncian aged 32 in a wire factory. He first noticed 2 years ago, the delay in relaxing his grasp at opening the door, and then this disorder became more heavily. He also showed the active and passive myotonic reaction, the slight muscular atrophy in the nape of the neck and the sternocleido-mastoids, the baldness of his fore-head and the increase of creatine in urine, but not the cataract nor the testicular atrophy. Nowadays, most students support the opinion of Steinert that this disease is quite different from the myotonia congenita but a part of students are still of opinion that this is an atypical form of the myotonia congenita. According to our family case, we also support the Steinert's opinion, because the younger brother showed the slight muscular atrophy in some part in spite of the incipient state of the disease. And we believe that the most characteristic and important symptom of this disease in not a myotonia but a muscular dystrophy. Therefore, for the treat-ment of the patient with the marked muscular dystrophy, it should not be recommandable to administer for long duration the quinine, for this drug is originally harmful to the muscular protoplasm and has many bothersome side-effects. We tried to the elder patient the glycocoll (10gr/day) for long duration as in the case of the progressive muscular dystrophy. Thereafter about 45 days, his condition so much improved, but not perfectly, that his grasping power increased, the walking became easily, the creatine in urine decreased, but, in spite of these improvement, the myotonia did'nt become worse but slightly well.

Copyright © 1952, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


