

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Histological Studies on the Vagal Rootlets of the Human Beings. Nishikawa, Mitsuo 1 1Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Tokyo University pp.63-70
Published Date 1951/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200171
  • Abstract
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The functional studies on the vagal rootlets have been undertaken by Prof. Okinaka and his colla-borators for many years. According to them, AM (some rootlets between vagal main stem-V and AH) and AH (the bulbar rootlets of the accessory nerve) are of motor nature and distribute their components chiefly to the heart, oesophagus, stomach, small int stine, larynx and so forth. The ventral group of V (main vagus root, Vv) is also motor, but the dorsal group of V (Vd) is sensory containing the afferent pathways of such as the depressor nerve, the afferent respiratory nerve and a part of the afferent Bainbridge's reflex orch.

From the stand point mentioned above, the au-thor made histological researches on the vago-accessooy nerve of human beings, in order to clarify the relation between the histological, fea-turos and the function.

The mainpoints obtained are as follows:

1. Vv, AM, AH and AS (the spinal rootlets of the accessory nerve) are functionally motor as described above, have some common histological features, as illustrated by photographs or sketches, name y the large and middle myelinated nerve fibers are found relatively in groups, while the small myelinated fibers are packed elosely among them and are of relatively constant diameter-about 1-1.5-, and their sheaths seem to be poorly myelinated, because they are apt to be dyed in brown blue tone by the Weigert's method.

2. Vv, AM, AH and AS present some similar histological features, but the more caudal, the less is the percentage of the small myelinated nerve fibers, therefore a very few of them can be found in AS.

3. Vd which is functionally sensory, has mar-kedly differnt histological features in comparison with the motor rootlets. Namely the large, middle and small myelinated nerve fibers are seen inter-mingled with each other without showing any grouping and one can not find any constant arrange-ment. The small myelinated nerve fibers of them are of various diameter-from smaller than those in the motor rootlets to so large as middle fibers, and their dyeing is also quite same as that of the large or middle nerve fibers.

4. As the small myelinated nerve fibers which are found in the rootlets of motor type are regar-ded as the proper vagal parasympathetic nerve fibers and on the other hand, because of a sudden increase in number of the non-myelinated nerve fibers in the cervical vague under the jugular and nodal ganglions, the author concludes that, concern-ing the vagus, the parasympathetic preganglionic fibers are small myelinated, while the postganglionic fibers are non-myelinated.

5. Many discussions have been published as to the existence of the non-myelinated nerve fibers in the vagal rootlets. The author, using the method of Davenport, found about 1,000-3,000 of non-myelinated fibers in the restricted part of th dorsal group of V (Vd) and suggests that they should be sensory sympathetic in character.

6. The fibers of AH join with the accessory nerve in their course; the author gets a histologi-cal finding, some components of AH being likely to mingle into Acc.

Copyright © 1951, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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