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Clinico-pathological Studies on the Nervous Diseases:3. A Case of Thalamic Hemorrhage with Painful Hémiplegia. Shiraki, Hirotsugu 1 , Tsubaki, Tadao 2 , Kuroiwa, Yoshigoro 2 , Toyokura, Yasuo 2 1Psychiatric Dept. Tokyo Univ 2Third Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tokyo Univ pp.99-102
Published Date 1951/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200179
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Case. K. T., 76 year old female.

On Jane 28, 1949, she had an apoplectic insult without loss of consciousness and thereby develop-ed right sided flaccid hemiplegia. The facial nerve was intact. Striking hypesthesia on the affected side was noted. Since Jan. 31, 1949, she had been able to move slightly her forearm and fingers of the affected side. On Feb. 9, she suddenly com-plained of severe spontaneous pain on the affected extremities. The pain was provoked by passive movement of the extremities, by rubbing the skin and by pressing the muscles. The marked hypes-thesia was still proved on the affected side by weak stimulation. Reaction of the affected ex-tremities to cold was accompanied by uncomforta-ble sensation. This flaccid hemiplegia and sponta-neous pain had remained until she died on March 28. On Feb. 26, she told that she felt similar pain on her left leg. The right knee-jerk disa-ppeared while the left remained normal. the ancle jerk and plantar refiex were absent on both sides. Pathologicar refiexes were generally not observed except Babinski's sign, Chaddok's sign and Mendel-Bechterew's sign on the right side and Puusepp's sign on the left side were noted for a short period of time. Facial expresion was normal. There were no marked contracture, muscle atrophy or other autonosmic symptoms.

Autopsy findings.

Hemorrhagic softening was found on almost all area of pulvinar thalami and the adjacent tail of caudate nucleus of the left side. This lesion was traced rostrally to the lateral nucleus, where it became gradually smaller and smaller in its dorsal portion and ended in the frontal sections through the anterior of the mamillary body. The ante-rior nucleus and internal nucleus of the thalamus were intact. The internal capsule was slightly aff-ected, lccalizing chiefly in the posterior part of its posterior limb. No degeneration of the pyra-midal tract was found at pons and medulla oblon-gata.

Comment The sensory disturbance observed in our patient is similar to what has been known as the thalamic syndrome described by Roussy and many other authors. But it attracts our attention that our patient showed almost complete hemiplegia for 2 months. We are considering that the lesion of the thlamus, rather than that of the pyramidal tract may have a close relationship to this hemi-plegia, because, firstly, the lesion was chiefly lo-calized in the thalamus, secondly, the destruction of the iternal capsule was very slight, and thirdly, no degeneration was found in the pyramidal tract

Copyright © 1951, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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