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Soeno reports a case where, symptom of pleurisy with effusion so strongly simulated those of trachea bronchial foreign bodies that, the real cause of the disease is revealed only at the time of necro-psy
The history is that of a spinster, 35 yeas of ago, complaining of dyspnea and the onset of which, developing suddenly after the sensation of th roasted dried peas, which shewas eating at the time having fallen into her wind-pipe. Foreign body is suspected and brochoscopy is done wifh negative results. The patient dies in the paroxysms of cou-gh.
Necropsy reveals pleurisy with effusion in the left chest with approximately 2 liters of turbid fluids. The cause ofhdeath, the author says, is asph-yxia, apparently due to mechanical obstruction of the bronchi, the pressure on which was exerted by the acutely displaced heart and the mediatin-uhm to the right sihe, anh the circulatory failure from the lisplacel heart.

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