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要旨 様々な神経症状の後,幻視・幻聴を伴う幻覚妄想状態を呈した初老期発症のMELASと診断された1例を報告した。症例は53歳男性で,感音性難聴,意識障害を伴う一過性の四肢脱力発作,四肢先端と顔面の知覚障害,味覚障害,振戦,眼球上転障害,深部腱反射の低下など多彩な神経症状が相次いで出現した。その後,幻覚妄想状態となり当科を受診した。乳酸,ピルビン酸の高値,ミトコンドリアDNA3243の点突然変異を認め,MELASと診断された。SPECTの結果,幻覚出現時に後頭葉と視床の血流低下を認め,幻覚消失後に同部位の血流は改善していた。幻覚の発症機序として,MELASの脳卒中様発作によりせん妄をきたした可能性が考えられ,後頭葉や視床の機能障害がこれに関与している可能性が考えられた。
We report a 53-year-old male patient with late onset mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes(MELAS)with hallucination and delusion. The patient manifested various neurological symptoms including perceptive deafness, muscle weakness of limbs with loss of consciousness, sensory abnormalities in hands, feet and a face, abnormal sense of taste, tremor, palsy of upward eye movement and weak deep tendon reflexes prior to the psychotic episode. He was diagnosed as MELAS, because of high serum lactic acid and pyruvic acid, and the point mutation in the mitochondrial DNA 3243. SPECT imaging showed decreased perfusion in occipital cortex and thalamus. These SPECT changes improved after disappearing visual hallucination. Hallucination might be caused by delirium due to stroke-like episode. Dysfunction in the occipital cortex and thalamus might be involved with this perfusion change.
(Received : November 5, 2003)

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