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要旨 左前頭葉内側部の皮質下出血により記憶障害をきたした49歳の右利き女性を報告した。頭部MRI上,病変は左前頭葉内側部に限局し,入院当初に認められた前頭葉症状および右不全片麻痺は急速に消失したものの,記憶障害のみが遷延した。本例の記憶障害は,1)前向健忘が主体,2)作話は全く認められない,3)再生,再認ともに不良,誤再認が多いことを特徴とし,一般的に言われている前頭葉損傷による記憶障害の特徴とは質的に異なっていた。前頭葉の限局性損傷で健忘が生じるか否かについては議論があるが,左前部帯状回を含む前頭葉内側部損傷により軽微ながらも記憶障害を生じ,その発症にはPapez回路が関与すると考えられた。
There has been a controversy as to the contribution of the frontal lobe to human memory function. We describe a 49-year-old right-handed patient with memory disturbance following a left medial frontal subcortical hematoma. Her amnesia was characterized by 1)predominant anterograde amnesia, 2)difficulty in both voluntary recall and recognition tasks, 3)a great number of false-alarm responses in a recognition task, and 4)no confabulation. An MRI demonstrated that her lesion was restricted to the left medial frontal area and anterior cingulate gyrus. This case represents a rare instance of amnesia following damage to the frontal lobe. We speculated that the unique feature of her memory impairment resulted from combined lesions in the medial frontal subcortical white matter and anterior cingulate gyrus. It seems that Papez's circuite participated in the development of these symptoms.
(Received : November 15, 2004)

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