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要旨 右中大脳動脈領域の心原性脳塞栓症により,非流暢性ジャルゴンをきたした69歳の左利き女性を報告した。発話では,努力性,断綴性,プロソディ障害,発話量の低下といった非流暢性失語の特徴を示したが,失構音は軽度で音素性ジャルゴンの中核症状を備えていた。頭部CTでは右中下前頭回,島,中心前回,中心後回,角回の一部に今回の梗塞巣を,右上前頭回に陳旧性脳梗塞を認めた。本例では中心前回損傷が明らかにもかかわらず失構音は軽度で,ジャルゴン症例で通常認められる側頭葉損傷が明らかでないことより,言語機能の半球側性化が通常と異なることが示唆された。
Patients with jargon aphasia generally have fluent speech with poor comprehension. However, outstanding jargons may appear in non-fluent aphasics. We report a 69-year-old left-handed woman with non-fluent jargon aphasia due to lesions in the right frontoparietal area. Features of her speech included non-fluent meaningless sequences of syllables, i. e., phonetic jargon, which was obvious in all the tasks including spontaneous speech, repetition, naming and reading. Her utterance was sparse, but not effortful or anarthric. She understood most of spoken single words, but was confused by complex sentences. Brain CTs revealed acute lesions affecting the inferior and middle frontal gyri, insular cortex, precentral and postcentral gyri, and a part of the angular gyrus in the right hemisphere. Old infarcts were also noted in the right frontal pole and prefrontal area. The unique feature of her language impairment suggested somewhat deviated lateralization and localization of her language function.
(Received : February 18, 2004)

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