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要旨 「脳外傷による高次脳機能障害」に対してMR diffusion tensor imaging(DTI)とFDG-PETの統計学的画像解析(easy Z score imaging system : eZIS)を施行しその病態把握に対する有用性を検討した。健常者20例と,臨床経過と大脳心理テストなどにより高次脳機能障害と診断された交通外傷によるびまん性軸索損傷18例に対して,DTIとしてFractional anisotorophy(FA) mapと脳梁Tractographyを作成した。さらに同時期にFDG-PET撮影後,eZIS解析を施行した。「脳外傷による高次脳機能障害」症例では,健常者に比して脳梁のFA値の有意な低下を認め,Tractographyにて脳梁からの線維連絡の異常を認めた。FDG-PETのeZIS解析では帯状回を中心に糖代謝低下を認めた。「脳外傷による高次脳機能障害」は,DTIにより示された白質線維の損傷によるネットワークの機能不全より生じる高次脳機能障害として認識され,帯状回の代謝低下は記憶障害や認知障害と関係しているものと考えられた。今後,DTIとPET eZIS解析は「脳外傷による高次脳機能障害」の診断のみならず,認知リハビリの計画や成果の把握に対しても客観的方法になり得る可能性がある。
We detected and compared abnormal brain areas using both MR diffusion tensor imaging(DTI) and easy Z score imaging system(eZIS) of FDG-PET for traumatic brain injury patients with memory and cognitive impairments. Twenty normal subjects and eighteen diffuse axonal injury patients with memory and cognitive impairments were studied with DTI and eZIS of 18F-FDG-PET. DTI contained fractional anisotorophy(FA) analysis and the tractography for the corpus callosum. After PET imaging was performed, statistical analysis using eZIS was undergone with followed processing steps, including smoothing, normalization and z transformation with respect to normal database. Z score map was superimposed on 3D MRI brain. Group analysis was performed using SPM. In diffuse axonal injury patients, the decline of FA was observed around the corpus callosum in comparison with normal subjects and the reduction of glucose metabolism was shown in the cingulated association. These results suggest that the reduction of metabolism within the cingulated cortex indicated deprived neuronal activation caused by the impaired neuronal connectivity that was revealed with DTI. Furthermore, the metabolic abnormalities within the cingulated cortex may be responsible for memory and cognitive impairments. DTI and spatially normalized PET have a role in neuroimaging interpretation for patients with memory and cognition impairments because its 3D better visualization allows objective and systematic investigation.
(Received : October 25, 2004)
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